Doug's Programming Page

This page is an index page linking to my other code pages

I'm learning Python. I'm not learning quickly. Don't expect this to be a source of authority. I predict it will be more a source of confusion and consternation. If my Search-Fu had been a little more developed, I probably would not need to write this. If I were a better programmer, I would have probably stolen a snippet of code off of stack overflow and never looked back. And if frogs had machine guns, snakes wouldn't mess with them. Don't be surprised if what I write in here is wrong. I will promise I will do my best to correct things when I do see a mistake.

A good way to learn anything is to try to explain it to other. Another good way is to explain it to future Doug, since explaining it to past Doug would clearly be an exercise in futility and frustration. But the worst part is that I do love to code.

My Python Pages

I will have to keep going on this. So far, I have written a few programs in Python, but I need to put in some explanations and work using my webpages.

A little more code

Doug's Tkinter Frames Page f Widget."

Written with Notepad ++, and Vim